Empower through HEAL

Are you a founder, visionary, speaker, or performer eager to uncover and resolve the inner obstacles holding you back from achieving your true potential?

HEAL helps you effectively communicate about the challenges in your organization, business, or community. It enables you to transparently see how these external problems are connected with your internal reactions. HEAL provides a novel language framework and process to guide you towards understanding, acknowledging, and resolving these reactions, opening a pathway toward working through your personal challenges and evolving your organization, business, and/or community.

HEAL, Personal Mentoring

Activate your dormant talents and capabilities.

If you're eager to work with a personal mentor to help you unveil your own potential, we offer a unique 12-week HEAL personal mentoring journey. We call it a journey because you and your mentor will be in close contact during this continuous transformative process. Your mentor will be listening to anything you want to share about your mental tendencies, bodily sensations, and more. Due to your challenges, you may, for example, feel loss of control, seek validation through or project onto others, or you may feel specific difficult emotions and physical discomforts. Your mentor will help translate these intangible experiences into meaningful insights, using HEAL’s rich language.

By experientially recognizing where these experiences point you toward, you'll be able to more effortlessly open up to resolving these barriers. Moreover, practice leads you to experience more transparency, clarity, and synchronicity, a basis for tackling real-life issues. Besides resolving your barriers, you may also unlock hidden talents and capabilities you previously were unable to access. The goal is, evolve your personal situation, so you may grow your organization, business, and/or community.

Contact us for a complimentary 60-minute assessment of your situation and demo of HEAL. (Specially when you are coping with a difficult situation wherein you experience high levels of stress or are dealing with symptoms due to burnout, Long COVID-19, or other conditions.)

What are the benefits of HEAL:

  • Live from your heart and create more flow.

  • Map your inner landscape and process your reactions to the world with greater ease.

  • Stay present, adapt to change, and harmonize your inner world with the world around you.

  • Evolve your community by sharing and supporting others through your growing insights.

  • Uplift life wherever you go…

What is HEAL: How does it help resolve inner barriers and upgrade your capabilities…

As we mentally juggle more and more information through the use of modern languages, our awareness begins to disintegrate. This shift happens so subtly that, by adulthood, we've forgotten what it feels like to be whole and connected. Blind spots form, and we collectively shrug them off, accepting our fragmented state of being as the norm - “I think; therefore I am.” Due to our lack of awareness, we find ourselves unable to self-regulate, leading to crisis. The journey back to wholeness and integration starts with understanding how we arrived here. This is where HEAL comes in.

HEAL (Human Experience Augmenting Language) is a pioneering language framework and process that enables you to internally discover your experiences. It facilitates the integration of your feelings, thoughts, and other dimensions. HEAL bridges the way you verbally use languages with what you feel, sense, and other subtle experiences, forming the basis of heart-centered dialogue and finding balance throughout change.

By accessing this capability, you can identify resonant words and meanings to reveal how you internally adapt and respond to your environment. These pointers make tangible what is otherwise invisible, aiding you in recognizing and distinguishing your own patterns. This fine-tuning, guided by your intuition, allows you to harmonize your inner world with the world around you.

With over two decades of immersive action learning and research, we've demonstrated HEAL's profound potential to catalyze lasting, meaningful change. Our journey is just beginning, and we are dedicated to making HEAL's groundbreaking transformational capabilities accessible to individuals, communities, institutions, and organizations worldwide through education and technology.

Evaluate in which stage you are now…

By embracing the “Empower through HEAL” journey, you can unlock the power within, fostering self-awareness, balance, and growth in different stages. Our journey and that of our organization or community unfolds through the following five stages of becoming:

  1. Embracing Personal Growth: I feel confused, challenged, and selfish.

  2. Staying Present: I am present with what challenges me and self-centered.

  3. Finding Connections: I am clearer and more open to socially connecting and somewhat selfless.

  4. Enhancing Conversations: I feel connected and selfless with the world around me.

  5. Working Towards a Connected World: I wish to contribute to the well-being of all and feel altruistic.

Join us in this transformative endeavor and experience the profound impact of HEAL.

For a more detailed description, click here (close tab to return).

Carlo Giovanni Monsanto

My name is Carlo Giovanni, and my career spans over thirty-five years as the founder of HEAL ecosystem, lead architect of HEAL, international trainer, and in this journey, your personal mentor. HEAL has been pivotal in guiding individuals and groups toward accessing their potential. I am committed to resilience and well-being, reflected in my dedication to cultivating intercultural collaboration and innovative ecosystem development. I aim to help you resolve your challenges, stimulate dialogue, and enrich you with essential experiences for transformation and growth through HEAL. If you have any questions, you can connect with me through e-mail or on LinkedIn, or scroll down and fill in the contact form.

Let’s Connect…