HEAL’s language dimensions and process.

HEAL offers a novel psycholinguistic framework and process for discovering what has been veiled from our conscious experience—our blind spots. Its framework helps us attune to the resistance we feel inside or on the surface of our body. When words and meanings resonate with our feelings and sensations, they reveal our unconscious experience that seeks effortless expression and resolution. This includes and goes beyond affect labeling.

This session will explore HEAL’s language characteristics, individual and group practices, and applications for personal and collective growth. We will experimentally explore the following dimensions.

  • Points-of-view: Witness, Observe, Appreciate, and Embody.

  • Attentional modes: Focused AND/OR Open attention.

  • Multiple dimensions: Thinking, Feeling, Embodying, Empathy, and other subtle experiences.

  • The Brain Matrix and Body Matrix: These are a combination of tools to internally map words and meanings to patterns of expression inside our brain and body, often revealed as patterns of sensations and feelings.

  • Evolutionary stages: Your mentor will show you what stage of the integration process you’re currently experiencing; this grows your capacity to discern internal processes and states and the barriers we have built against the same due to trauma.

Of these, the Body Matrix is the most intriguing one. It lets us visualize how hormone actions produce subtle to more extreme expressions in different parts of our body. This enables us to use our ability to internally view (interception) to discover what themes, words, and meanings resonate with complex patterns of bodily sensations generated in different parts. Its use helps us integrate what we think with what we internally sense in the body. This is just the beginning of a great adventure.

Especially (pre-) teenagers enjoy the practice of HEAL because it helps them understand and influence their difficult emotions toward healthy resolution. The holistic understanding gained through this action-learning process can help us stay present, allowing us to internally overlook our subjective and objective experiences as a single continuum.

In our experience, the practice of HEAL restores our innate ability to access life's deeper potential and guide ourselves harmoniously. Discover how this natural ability improves your well-being and positively influences others by attuning to their inner process, rendering synchronistic conversations and collaborations. 


  • We introduce different experiments to explore the different points of view, attentional modes, multiple dimensions, Body Matrix, and evolutionary stages.

  • Add a short summary or a list of helpful resources here.