Implementing HEAL in Your Projects.
Applying the principles of HEAL in real-life communication and scenarios bridges the subjective and objective and enhances personal and collective well-being. In this journey, we will explore how we can merge HEAL’s holistic framework and discovery process with different modalities, approaches, practices, and dialog formats, some of which we will mention below.
In this last session, we will explore participants' projects and questions. Throughout this process, we aim to heal ourselves and our communities, fostering a more just and equitable society where everyone can thrive.
We will provide an educational pathway for those who wish to facilitate program development and research for their social projects, institutions, communities, or organizations. We will describe this trajectory in more detail.
Below, we mention a few approaches for which HEAL can provide an inner context:
Educational approaches, especially those that use action learning.
Action research approaches, especially Affirming Methodologies (Caribbean Research Methodologies).
Qualitative research can benefit from HEAL’s multi-perspectival approach from zeroth, first, and third-person perspectives.
Regenerative practices,’ through HEAL, gain a meaningful inaction perspective that coheres and synchronizes meaningful action.
Dialogue formats, such as Bohm Dialogue and Cohesion Dialogue (Paul Mooney), gain an inner dialogue perspective that heals reactive patterns that may be triggered in relating to others.
Relational and body-centered practices, including somatic experiencing and psychotherapeutic work, can help develop an inner linguistic framework through HEAL. As an emergent process, clients or learners can discover what words and meanings resonate with affected zones in the connective tissues (fasciae), revealing patterns of unconscious experiences. This instantly opens the possibility for processing toward resolution.
In whatever context HEAL is applied, the practitioner will gain an inner framework from which they can transform their relationships, communicate, and collaborate in familial, social, and professional contexts.
If you’re interested in what we’re sharing and are considering using HEAL in your project, contact us for a conversation.