HEAL: Its Dimensions and Process

Often, our internal experiences are disconnected from the social spaces wherein we interact, leaving "blind spots" in our perception. But imagine bridging that gap and experiencing a seamless flow between your inner world and the world around you. Achieving this would require an expansion beyond your current paradigm/world view. This expansion bridges, I am doing so much to achieve my objectives in the world, with, I realize how and what I’m internally experiencing. HEAL’s linguistic process, maps across the space between the psychological and social, and helps you internally view, using interoception, how your internal adaptations shape your responses to various social situations. Discover the power of this process and transform the way you perceive and interact with the world around you.

HEAL’s process can help you discover, what we refer to as, circuits of resistance inside and at the surface of your body and in social situations. Unlike modern languages, which consider the left brain as the hub for processing verbal language, HEAL helps to access your whole brain from an integrated perspective. Witnessing integrates the verbal and pre-verbal, our thinking, feeling, and sensing, and our capacity to objectively communicate while feeling a strong emotional connection (emotioncy), as these co-occur subjectively and objectively in social spheres.

The HEAL process offers the following tools for you to gain insights into your language use; this allows effortless integration and synchronization while relating to and communicating with others:

  • eXperience Matrix (XM) - By using this matrix in practical experiments, we gain insights into our internal reactions to situations. This transparently maps to the Body Matrix.

  • Body Matrix (BM) - The body is like a holographic canvas in which we adapt internally and react to the world around us, extending into social spheres where our unconscious and unresolved experiences seek to effortless express and resolve. The Body Matrix describes:

    • Theme-Zones: There are seven (7) zones that are driven by endocrine glands, attentional modes, and internal adaptation.

    • Adaptation: A repertoire of nine (9) different forms of adaptation and maladaptation, generating different qualities according to trigger, theme-zone, hemisphere, and location.

Because HEAL is an action learning process, it is difficult to explain intellectually; insights need to come through direct experience. This is why in this session, we'll delve into HEAL’s language characteristics through both individual and group practices, focusing on their application for personal development and collective transformation.

Your facilitator will translate the eXperience Matrix and Body Matrix, using a simple to digest and recognizable format. In close contact with your mentor and fellow participants, these powerful tools can assist you in discovering your inner landscapes and guide you toward independent practice.

This will enable you to witness how situations, triggers, words, and meanings resonate with the way you internally adapt to the same, specifically recognizing the bodily sensations generated in the various tissues in differing parts of the body. These practices will help you evolve toward integrating all dimensions of experience in and outside of you.

We will explore how this restores your innate ability to access life's deeper potential and guide yourself and others harmoniously in dialogue. Discover how this natural ability improves your well-being and positively influences others by attuning to their inner process, rendering synchronistic conversations and collaborations. 


  • We introduce different experiments to explore the different points of view, attentional modes, multiple dimensions of experience, eXperience/Body Matrix, and the five evolutionary stages. The latter will be explored more deeply in the next session.


For a more detailed description of HEAL’s theoretical modeling, we provide more resources under research & development.

  • Add a short summary or a list of helpful resources here.